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Physical preparation and rehabilitation

Physical preparation


At Kinesi, we offer the possibility of individual or group training for all those athletes or professional or amateur teams who wish. These workouts will be adapted to the time of the season in which you are and to the characteristics of the sport that you practice. Offering you an individualized routine in order to complement your off-center workouts in case this is necessary.


Sports Rehabilitation


To ensure a proper return to sports and daily life without the risk of relapse, in Kinesi  we carry out an exhaustive assessment of the patient's initial condition and injury, based on a functional assessment accompanied by an ultrasound diagnosis if necessary in order to know the specific condition of the injury. Based on the results, we specify an action plan based on short- and long-term goals.  This plan will always be accompanied by active work, using the latest technology in tissue regeneration and strength work. It will be an individualized training and adapted to the characteristics of the patient and the injury. Whether you play sports or not, it is vital to ensure your functionality so that you can develop in the best conditions after an injury process.  


Training plans


We will carry out a specific training plan taking into account your individual characteristics and those of the sport you practice, in order to optimize the  maximize performance and achieve the best results during the season. This training plan will be designed taking into account the different phases of the season and the competitive schedule.  During the different phases of competition and season we will maintain direct feedback through face-to-face sessions at the center or online in order to ensure that we are working in the right line and the goals set at the beginning are being achieved.


Functional training  


At Kinesi, we have a global idea of the body that goes beyond muscle analytical work like what a weight room machine can offer us. You will work from the different patterns of muscle activation that will help you integrate day-to-day movements that will allow you to be more efficient, move better and maintain good physical abilities. These movements are based on a good muscle activation sequence and good stabilization of the central area or CORE. 

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